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Sunday Homilies Year B

Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord, Year B

What is your Identity?

Today we commemorate the Baptism of the Lord. In our gospel, the evangelist Mark narrates to us this event rich in symbolism. Three things to remember about this occasion. First, it is consoling to realize that by undergoing John's baptism, Jesus, he who is sinless united himself to us sinners. Second, in this moment God manifest himself anew to his people. We witness the touching moment where the Father spoke to his son, “You are my beloved son, with you I am well pleased,” with the Holy Spirit descending upon him. Third, as Jesus baptism at the Jordan launches his public ministry and confirms his identity as the spirit- filled son of God, so does our Christian baptism launch our Christian mission and confirm our identity as God’s children.

This is what happened in the baptism of Jesus. His true identity is given to him as the son of God. At the same time, coupled with his identity as son of God, he has a mission to undertake. This is what the first reading from the prophet Isaiah is telling us. It presents to us a mysterious servant of God. This servant of God received his identity from God; he is favored by God; he received the Holy Spirit from God. But after receiving his identity he also is given a mission. He will bring justice to the people, freedom to prisoners, and light to those in darkness. How is he going to accomplish these? It is through the path of humility and meekness. Later, we will come to realize that this mysterious servant of God whom the prophet Isaiah prophesied is Jesus Christ.

It is very important to note that our own baptism is our gateway to the Christian community and life. We become children of God. That is our identity. Baptism is our birthday into the Christian life. It is as important as our birthday. If you remember well your birthday, do you also remember the date of your baptism? If you celebrate your birthday, do you get to celebrate your baptism day also?

Let me ask you, what is your identity? Oftentimes our identity is written in our identification card. The moment you begin your work as teacher or lawyer or nurse or doctor, it is indicated in your ID your identity as such. The same is true with us religious, the moment we are ordained, our ID will indicate who we are. Together with such identity is the mission or work each identity is expected to accomplish. The teacher is expected to teach students, the doctor cure the sick, the mother takes care the children, the father loves and provides for the family, the religious brings people closer to God, to name a few as examples. What I am driving at is, everyone of us, through the sacrament of baptism, is identified with the person of Jesus Christ. We are called to a mission depending on what our vocation in life is.

My brothers and sisters the baptism of the Lord shows us his identity and mission. In the same way, our baptism makes us realize of our identity as sons and daughters of God, and impels us to act out our mission in life. As Christian, what is your true identity? What is your mission in life?

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