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Sunday Homilies Year B

Solemnity Feast of the Holy of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

The Sacredness of Family

This Sunday, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family, the family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. God gave us His Son to come and live in a family. Jesus could have come to live alone, to be born in a miraculous way but in God's eternal purposes, salvation passes through the family. It is the family that needs to be saved if humanity is to be saved. There is no way to save humanity and life, if we do not save our families, if we are not  aware of the sacredness of the family. God wanted to become a man in the family so that the whole family becomes, in Him, sacred.

It is sad that our family today faces different problems. Some common challenges our families are struggling with are separation or divorce, parenting issues, pressure at work or school, unemployment and financial problems and many others. Sometimes, it is just sad that instead of the society to promote and uphold the value of family as a family, on the contrary, it promotes many attacks on the family. And who can defend our families?

The one who came to save her: Jesus. Therefore, Jesus must be the center of our homes and families.We should fight, pray and be with our family. We value our family above anything else because no friend, no job, no life achievement is greater than the family.

We must start paying attention to things that seem simple and insignificant but are so important to redeem a family's sacred value. We must put Jesus in the center of our family and home, let Him live in our family as He lived in the family of Nazareth, in the midst of Mary and Joseph.

May our home come together around Jesus, may our home come together to surrender to Jesus, may our home come together to invoke Jesus’ name always. 

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